Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Words for Adrianne ... The Dancer


You're a beautiful inspiration dancer Adrianne , full of undisputed courage and (nia) Swahili for a sense of purpose. My daughter who been thru her trials and born to dance and dance she did right out of The Performance Arts High School in NYC into the University because her determination no matter what obstacle presented never swayed the dancer and this is why I feel your strength it will only get better with a spirit like yours butterfly... Peace be into you ... The Dancer

"Once there came to the court of the Prince of Birkasha a dancer with her musicians. And she was admitted to the court, and she danced before the prince to the music the lute and the flute and the zither. She danced the dance of flames, and the dance of swords and spears; she danced the dance of stars and the dance of space. And then she danced the dance of flowers in the wind. After this she stood before the throne of the prince and bowed her body before him. And the prince bade her to come nearer, and he said unto her, “Beautiful woman, daughter of grace and delight, whence comes your art? And how is it that you command all the elements in your rhythms and your rhymes?” And the dancer bowed again before the prince, and she answered, “Mighty and gracious Majesty, I know not the answer to your questionings. Only this I know: The philosopher’s soul dwells in his head, the poet’s soul is in the heart; the singer’s soul lingers about his throat, but the soul of the dancer abides in all her body.” Khalil Gibran

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