Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Libyan Rebels vs Qaddafi who will profit from this uprise?

Remember people Libya is the 10th largest oil reserve of any country in the world and the 17th highest petroleum production as stated. Please people don't be tricked or bamboozled into news propaganda take heed and understand the properties involved with respect to England and the United States. Instigating conflict among us; people representing the indigenous those of African descent is the means to their end totaling economic greed. Please read beyond filtered news media offering images of chaos and uproar which thus requires intervention by outsider. An urgent plea to investigate your history. Are the rebels who have been squandering billions of dollars better for this government? Will there be major genocide in this country darker versus lighter Libyans as Rwandan genocide. Brothers against brothers. What justification is other insertion? Remember the real deal "Oil" and "Money." Peace will not occur through war. Never, never let an oppressor liberate you . . .

Peace 1 Lepadah

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