Monday, December 31, 2012
Day Sixth

As-Salāmu `Alaykum good people. Blessing out to the universe, peace and tolerance. Bless spread to those enduring critical life altering circumstance . Let us offer a prayer for peace to all and reflect on the past Year cautiously reviewing ones priorities. Happy day 6 On the sixth day the black candle is lit, then the farthest left red, the farthest right green, the next red, the next green and then the final red candle. This represents the 6th principle of Kwanzaa - Kuumba (koo-OOM-bah): Creativity - embrace your individual uniqueness and explore your creativity share the joy of a beautiful being. Peace, Love out to the universe .
Sunday, December 30, 2012
A since of purpose ... I LOVE YOU!!!
Peace and love Happy Kwanzaa On the fifth day the black candle is lit, then the farthest left red, the farthest right green, the next red and then the next green candle. This represents the 5th principle of Kwanzaa - Nia (NEE-ah): Purpose we must continue the tradition and uplifting the community thru rites of passage for our sons especially now and mentoring programs for our young sisters. We must make this like our tithes a year round continuation to our sustainability as a people giving back to the hood unselfishly without pimping out people because we all must LOVE one another sister and brother. Just do it because ... I love you family just because I love you. Peace to all with my ending until tomorrow another day of light Insha'Allah . Lepadah
Friday, December 28, 2012
Beginning anew,thankful & reflecting.

As-Salāmu `Alaykum good people. Anew beginning people is upon us. I wish for us to be mindful of all those who are not present making their transition to a restful place. So much sadness, unnecessary hate, we are living in the killing fields unable to detach ourselves from racism,violence,greed. Our Holy books reveal days of tribulation times difficult to deal with, famine through out the land, turmoil between parent and child, financially bankrupt with no clear future only a civilization that is destine to fall with our proclaim power we are powerless against the Supreme Being and the elements of nature. Prophets, Rabbis, Minister offer little comfort at moments when truth is hard to hide are mask over. My shades have been removed and I refuse to see another picture. Remember the joy, anguish of heavy hearts and forgiving souls. Remembering the great ones . . . and the lost. a special prayer out to the one who know me best that unlock my chest, viewed sin and capture alight. I would like to wish a an early HAPPY BORN DAY to warrior, noted historian, writer and Legendary Afrocentric scholar, who will be celebrating life at the fine age of 95 this New Year Eve. A marvelous King amongst us to still feathering knowledge to the mass thank you in name of the Beneficent for gracious mercy allowing this warrior presence. Peace onto Brother Sharpton, Sadig, Mandela, President Barack Obama … the list is endless. Peace and be bless . Universal Love to all. Special thanks to The Amsterdam News for disseminating necessary information to the Village . Congratulation to my beautiful daughter Yasmine and Kylan on their soon be jumping the broom... Love you both lol ... Also let not forget Brother Sadig Jama today your prayer ...Allahuma rabbi-nas adhhabal ba'sa, ashfi wa entashafi, la shifa' illa shifa'uka shifa' la yughadiru saqama.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Happy Kwanza! Happy being in my temple of familiar...

Everyday blessing and prayer to the teacher ...Allahuma rabbi-nas adhhabal ba'sa, ashfi wa entashafi, la shifa' illa shifa'uka shifa' la yughadiru saqama. Life, love and peace Insha'Allah . Peace one love to all. Happy Kwanza!
Happy Holidays everyone universal peace & love.

As-Salāmu `Alaykum good people. Blessing out to the universe, peace and tolerance. Love out to my angel babies & special blessing to Brother, friend Sadig and a big Happy Holiday out to Ohio's Shaker Heights . One love to all my Family especially Yasmine Sadig and Khalil love y'all. May we remember all those in need year round not just today but everyday in name of the Supreme one of all things .
Monday, December 24, 2012
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Martha and The Vandellas - Dancing In The Street (Ready Steady Go)
Prayer for Peace for all ...

As-Salāmu `Alaykum good people. Blessing out to the universe, peace and tolerance. Rev. Al Sharpton is shedding light this morning on 107.5 fm. During this chaotic season of Holiday celebration and tragedies one can not ignore those who are still suffering from Sandy, Sandy Hook, Fiscal Cliff quagmire and parables of life which must acknowledge . Baby it's cold outside and my thoughts and prayer goes out to Far Rock etc who are still unsettle and displaced. As we all know the status of the historical Lenox Lounge which I've for the past few weekends attending terrific jazz sets staying to the wee hour and the last jam and yes this is it . I must say the Lenox is still jamming until the perspective date so I want to encourage all to go listen to some super beautiful LIVE music in The Village of HARLEM! Special prayer out to a really beautiful brother those who kniw of what I speak let me say ...Allahuma rabbi-nas adhhabal ba'sa, ashfi wa entashafi, la shifa' illa shifa'uka shifa' la yughadiru saqama. To my Teacher, man of conviction and my confidant friend for life all this blessing for his sustainability Insha'Allah . Peace one love to all.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Mind medley by Lepadah - Draft II
A Mind Medley
Let his music play
not yet; unless
freeing marred heart
married comic roots; never rooted
plant his hefty contralto
warbling melodic enter course ears to hear
groan,moan, howl intensity
groove move divas into danceteria
red light district, red parrot's, Adam's red apple
inferno confess flames
float lifted carriages
arm full steatopygia women
cut loose bridle caboose
raise her natural rhyme
determine spirituals
shouting souls of card counting Christians
flood rose land rhythm chronicles
dice/chip slam casino tables
able to express yourself
let his music play
deep dig the grind of sanctified organ keys
knight in gal detail
maroon mashing floor
swing swans definition
Bearden "Black Odyssey"
strobe stencil experimental
faddy webb wit trick those sticks
clicking drum dribble
wand diviner knot Mobley instead of Trane
same old thing
no more runs on familiar tracks
set "a caddy for daddy"
I like old things, seasoned & meaty things
intelligent, mystical rings
for bells to tell tales
warriors to shear
those to hear the strip of gut strings
to let the music play . . . on & on
© 2012 Lepadah
Mind medley by Lepadah - Draft II
A Mind Medley
Let his music play not yet; unless
freeing marred heart married comic roots; never rooted
plant his hefty contralto warbling melodic enter course ears to hear
groan,moan, howl intensity
groove move divas into danceteria red light district, red parrot's, Adam's red apple inferno confess flames float lifted carriages arm full steatopygia women cut loose bridle caboose raise her natural rhyme determine spirituals shouting souls of card counting Christians
flood rose land rhythm chronicles
dice/chip slam casino tables
able to express yourself let his music play deep dig the grind of sanctified organ keys knight in gal detail maroon mashing floor
swing swans definition Bearden "Black Odyssey"
strobe stencil experimental faddy webb wit trick those sticks clicking drum dribble wand diviner knot Mobley instead of Trane
same old thing
no more runs on familiar tracks
set "a caddy for daddy"
I like old things, seasoned & meaty things
intelligent, mystical rings
for bells to tell tales
warriors to shear those to hear the strip of gut strings to let the music play . . . on & on
© 2012 Lepadah
Mind Medley by Lepadah - rough draft II

Monday, December 17, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Miles Davis and John Coltrane Autumn Leaves
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Black Ivory Don't Turn Around Live 1972
A night in Harlem...

As-Salāmu `Alaykum good people. Blessing out to the universe, peace and tolerance. Rev. Al Sharpton is shedding light this morning on 107.5 wbls . Last night shower scenting one with Magnolia Pear a delicious soap from South of France in preparation for a night out at the historical Lenox Lounge featuring "Hot Lips" Super baddddd Joey Morant & Catfish Stew rocked the house with early goodbye. The place was nicely pack, musician swinging their axe and a sure enough Harlem swag. Last night the air flavor New Orleans reminisce that of Louis Armstrong blowing the brass snake a wicked hot set topped off with the late night jam including an outstanding blues singer, there dancing,singing and a WHOLE LOTTA Uptown LOVE!!! Scribbling a poem in my journal which the great Joey Morant stopped and chat about my write and autograph under my promise piece ...the evening in Harlem PRICELESS . Sending out mucho universal love to Far Rock, Coney Island help is needed please volunteer and give the gift of humanity. Peace and love to my angels !!!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
My Favorite Things - John Coltrane
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Charles Mingus - Orange Was The Color Of Her Dress, Then Blue Silk
Monday, December 3, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
bob marley three little birds (lyrics in description)